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Chapter 1 – What it means to be a disciple and how Christian character is formed (25 pages)
Chapter 2 – A closer look at how God develops us as disciples (25 pages)
Chapter 3 – Cultivate the attitude of thankfulness until it is a habit (12 pages)
Chapter 4 – The meaning and importance of faithfulness (15 pages)
Chapter 5 – God’s assessment of the faithfulness of the kings of Judah and Israel (9 pages)
Chapter 6 – A closer look at the various types of people with whom we must be faithful (12 pages)
Chapter 7 – Some more of the ways in which we must become faithful (12 pages)
Chapter 8 – Further advice on how we can become more faithful (13 pages)
Chapter 9 – What is ‘the love of the truth’ and why does truth matter so much to God? (19 pages)
Chapter 12 – What is really meant by forgiving others and what does it involve? (14 pages)