Our view of this ministry
Dave Hunt died in 2013, aged 86. He was American and used to be an accountant with a lot of experience in business but he became a full time Bible teacher and writer. Tom McMahon worked as a screen writer in the film industry in Hollywood until he too became a full time Bible teacher. They have a radio ministry in America and also produce many books and tapes.
They have many areas of teaching, but their main emphasis is declaring the true gospel and also exposing and explaining false teaching and false ministries. They seek to protect people from error and deception. They also have much to say about Bible prophecy, the Roman Catholic Church, Calvinism and the errors that come from the church adopting unbiblical humanistic ideas such as from modern psychology and elsewhere. Their ministry is truly excellent and you should really look them up.
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What they say about themselves
Born in 1926, Dave enjoyed the advantages of a godly upbringing, and placed his trust in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord in his early teens.
He received a degree in mathematics from U.C.L.A. Marriage to his wife, Ruth, was followed by the birth of four children, a career as CPA/management consultant and, later, the management of several corporations. Along with church-related activities, Dave initiated and became involved in numerous campus ministries and meetings in his home, with a special outreach to Jewish young people and foreign students.
Since 1973 Dave’s desire for fulltime ministry has found fulfillment through authorship of books dealing with the incursion, into Western culture and the church itself, of Eastern, psychological and selfist philosophies, ecumenism, and other unbiblical teachings. Concern over Islamic politics and religion are reflected in current articles, lectures and interviews.
At least 4 million copies of his books have been sold and have been translated into more than 50 languages. They include: The Cult Explosion, The God Makers, The New Spirituality, The Seduction of Christianity, Global Peace and the Rise of Antichrist, Occult Invasion, A Cup of Trembling, In Defense of the Faith, An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith, What Love Is This?, Countdown to the Second Coming, Seeking and Finding God, Honest Doubts, Judgment Day! Islam, Israel, and the Nations, and his latest book Yoga and the Body of Christ.
His video, Israel, Islam & Armageddon has become a tremendous tool for churches and others interested in helping spread the truth about events prior to and since the attack on the World Trade Center.
Dave’s impeccable research and recognized scholarship are based on in depth studies of original documents and publications, interviews with key experts from around the world, and extensive travel—including to South America, Australia, Europe and throughout the Middle East.
A sought-after speaker at conferences, Dave is also a frequent radio and television talk-show guest. With cohost T.A. McMahon, Dave challenges listeners weekly on the radio program Search the Scriptures Daily, broadcast over 350 stations in the U.S. and worldwide via shortwave radio.