Our view of this ministry
They are both ex psychologists who now teach all over the world to warn people about the errors and dangers of psychology/ psychotherapy and the whole counselling industry Theirs is a critically important ministry, given that so many Christians have swallowed uncritically what psychology has to say and have adopted its beliefs and values without realising how it contradicts what the Bible says.
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What they say about themselves
PsychoHeresy Awareness Ministries, in our 10th year,is a non-profit religious corporation for the purpose of informing and educating Christians about psychoheresy. Psychoheresy is the integration of secular psychological counseling theories and therapies with the Bible. Psychoheresy is also the intrusion of such theories into the preaching and practice of Christianity, especially when they contradict or compromise biblical Christianity in terms of the nature of man, how he is to live, and how he changes.
How do we approach the issues?
The primary purpose of informing Christians about psychoheresy is to encourage them to find Jesus Christ and the Word of God sufficient for matters of life and conduct and to encourage believers to use the Bible to understand humanity, how they are to live, and how they are to confront problems of living. Careful distinctions are made to delineate the area of concern – what constitutes psychoheresy in contrast to what might be benign investigation of behavior.
What do we do?
- We produce the freebimonthly newsletter – PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter – concerning psychoheresies and related topics, such as memory, hypnosis, and various psychotherapeutic theories and therapies. We do the editing and the major writing; however, other people, who are well qualified through their knowledge of Scripture and through their own particular expertise, also contribute articles.
- We examine psychological research and Christian theology as they pertain to guiding principles of living and counseling. This includes study and research having to do with counseling psychology theories and therapies, the efficacy of psychotherapy, the differences between such psychology and Christianity, and the intrinsic problems of attempting to integrate such psychological counseling theories and therapies with the Bible and biblical counseling.
- We provide information concerning the above-stated topics through books, position papers, warning packages, speaking, media, and correspondence. The position papers are written by various people with the same qualifications listed for the newsletter articles.
- We provide resources, such as tapes, books, and other reading materials, for identifying, discerning, and confronting psychoheresy and for encouraging one another in our faith in Christ as our all-sufficient Lord and Savior.