Jacob Prasch – Moriel Ministries

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Jacob Prasch

Our view of this ministry

Jacob Prasch is a remarkable person and his teaching ministry will benefit you enormously. He is Jewish and was brought up in New York, where he became a Christian in his twenties. He also lived for many years in Israel. However, he now lives in England. He speaks Hebrew and also knows Greek and is extraordinarily knowledgeable across a very broad range of biblical themes.

His greatest quality though, in my view, is that he is entirely honest. He tells the truth about the Bible and about the false and mistaken things that are increasingly being taught all around the world. Jacob has the courage to say what most others dare not say. If you listen to his teaching you may get the impression, at least at first, that he is rather brash. He is very direct and does not shrink from saying what needs to be said. However, please do not let that put you off him in any way. He is actually a very kind-hearted and sincere person.

His ministry, Moriel, is also involved in many different practical efforts to help the poor, such as orphanages. So, Jacob does far more than just teaching, though that is what he is best known for. He covers a huge range of subjects, but his specialist topics would include Israel, Bible prophecy and the condition of the Church worldwide. God has used Jacob greatly to expose all sorts of false teachings, as well as explaining clearly, thoroughly and accurately what the Bible really says on those issues.

You really do need to get hold of as many of Jacob’s books and CDs/MP3s as you possibly can. I would say that he is one of the greatest Bible teachers alive today and that every Bible-believing Christian really needs to hear him.

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What they say about themselves

Moriel is an international multi-faceted ministry of Jewish and non-Jewish regenerate believers one in Jesus the Messiah. 

Moriel is committed to the evangelization beginning with The Jews but also of people of other faiths including Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,  and theologically deviant expressions of Christendom including Roman Catholicism (which we view as aberrational much as we deem Talmudic Judaism to be likewise largely unscriptural). To this end Moriel plants churches, and operates missions especially among impoverished children in the Third World. While mainly rejecting the later midrashic writings of the rabbis, Moriel is also a teaching ministry seeking to exegetically interpret scripture with the Judeo-Christian hermeneutic of the apostolic  church including the midrashic exegesis used by Jesus and Paul (midrash is a term found multiple times in the Tenak or Old Testament). 

Lastly, Moriel is active in the area of discernment withstanding the popular apostasy in the contemporary church that The Word of God warns would precede the return of Jesus. We remain firmly aligned to the conviction that contemporary events in The Middle East , Europe, and in the church make the present time in history different from other eras when people thought it was the last days. We affirm the belief that Jesus is coming again and prophecy of His return is radically being fulfilled increasingly.
