We also have to contend with the sinful world system which is all around us. We must also reject its values and separate ourselves from its influence.

Whereas our battle against our own flesh takes place within ourselves, our battle against the world and all it stands for is an external one. By ‘the world’ we mean all of the thinking, values, standards, ways, priorities, practices, obsessions and methods of the unsaved and sinful …

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Part of the war we have to fight is a lifelong battle between our new self and our old self. In other words, it is a battle between our spirit and our flesh

The battle or conflict that we have to face is not only external to us, involving other people and demons. It is also an internal battle between our ‘old self’, otherwise known as our ‘old man’, ‘carnal nature’ or ‘flesh’, and our ‘new self’, ‘new man’ or ‘new nature’. That is our …

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