Faithfulness to our colleagues at work and also to customers, clients, patients etc

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From “Growing in the character of a disciple”: Chapter 6 – A closer look at the various types of people with whom we must be faithful

It’s not just with your bosses that you need to be faithful. It’s with your colleagues as well, at every level. You owe a duty of care to everybody else at work to be reliable, honest and hard-working. Never take the credit for what others have done. If you are mistakenly praised by a manager for another man’s work or input, say so immediately and redirect the praise. Always keep your promises and do your tasks faithfully. Do not let your team down. Start to see everyday things like that as a part of the process of becoming a mature disciple. If you do, you’ll be unusual.

Most Christians do not think that their job has got anything to do with being a disciple. However, in God’s eyes, it is an essential part of the Christian life, which He takes very seriously. A Christian employee should be one of the last people to ring in to work to say he is sick. Even if the practice of abusing sick leave is widespread where you work, you must never join in. It lets your colleagues down as well as your company, quite apart from being dishonest. Therefore, even if the whole office does it, including the managers, you must still be the only one who doesn’t.

Another group to whom we owe a duty of care are the customers, clients, patients etc that we serve in our job. If you are a mechanic working on someone’s car, be completely honest, down to the last detail. Do your best standard of work at all times, regardless of whether the customer or client is watching or will ever find out. Also treat every customer well, regardless of whether they are rich and powerful or poor and weak.

The reason to do your best work is not just so that you can avoid getting into trouble. It is because the customer is paying and is, therefore, contractually entitled to your best service. Focus far more on your duty to the customer than on any rights you might have, or think you have. The customer always comes first, not you. If you can understand that, and apply it, then the rest of it will come easily.

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