When you become a disciple God will begin to treat you as His own child. That means He will discipline you and even punish you. He does it for your own good, to help you to grow up.

There is today a misguided over-emphasis on God’s love in many Western churches. There is also a misunderstanding of what His love really means. That error causes many of us to assume that God would never rebuke or discipline a Christian. Actually, the opposite is …

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One of Jesus’ intentions for His disciples is to refine them, just as a jeweller smelts and purifies silver by exposing it to great heat. He is doing that now, in this life, but He will complete it at the Judgment Seat

Jesus intends to refine us, just as a jeweller smelts precious metals to purify them and to separate them from the worthless dross which is mixed in with them. He is doing this now during our lives. However, when Jesus returns in His glorified resurrection …

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Jesus did not come to bring peace to this present age. On the contrary, following Him and staying true to His Word will result in conflict and trouble.

Being a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ does bring you peace. However, that means in the Hebrew sense of being at peace within, or despite, difficult circumstances. The peace that Jesus gives us does not mean the absence of such difficulties. The Hebrew word for peace is ‘Shalom’. It is …

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