There is nothing wrong with being afraid. Fear is not sin in itself. It is natural, and even necessary, at times. Indeed, without fear there cannot be any real bravery. A brave person is just someone who has learned how to control their fear and to go …
Read MoreLack of courage causes us to compromise in our preaching and to stay silent when we should speak up
Lack of courage causes people to stay silent when they should speak up. It causes many preachers to give a compromised, watered down message. They know that telling the whole truth about what the Bible says would cause controversy and tension. It could possibly even …
Read MoreOne of the main causes of unfaithfulness is lack of courage. Therefore ask God for the courage to overcome all your fears and to obey Him, even when you are afraid.
I have no statistical data to back up my point, but I have observed from experience that fear is one of the main things which causes people to be unfaithful or to drop their standards. For example a person might know that some practice at …
Read MoreIf you stop listening to God and stop obeying Him then eventually He may ‘hand you over’ and allow you to destroy yourself
he Egyptian Pharoah, with whom Moses dealt, chose to harden his heart repeatedly. He refused to do what he knew to be the will of God. We know this because there was a previous contest between Moses and Pharoah’s magicians, Jannes and Jambres. Each time …
Read MoreRespond quickly to God’s promptings. Never harden your heart or stop listening to Him.
God will speak to you through your conscience to guide you as to what to do in a given situation, especially if you ask Him to do so. When He speaks in this way, it will not be in a loud, clear, unmistakable voice. It …
Read MoreThere is a time to be diplomatic and to stay out of a conflict, but there is also a time to take risks and get involved
It is usually wrong to get involved in another person’s quarrel or dispute, The general rule is that we should stay out of it unless there is a good reason to get involved. But if there is a duty to help, or if our conscience …
Read MoreHow to decide whether to get drawn in to a dispute which involves other people
This is a vexed question, to which there can be no easy or quick answer. What to do in any given situation will depend on all the specific facts of the case and on a number of relevant principles, one or other of which could …
Read MoreAlways follow your conscience
The Bible is full of principles that guide us in how to approach decisions and situations. Life is so varied that infinite permutations of circumstances can arise. We then have to decide which principles to apply, or which principle comes first on a particular occasion. …
Read MoreTell the truth every time and be faithful with money
Never give in to the temptation to lie, or to misuse money or property that has been entrusted to you. Resolve always to be a faithful steward and to tell the truth at all times. 5A faithful witness does not lie,But a false witness will …
Read MoreRid yourself of the craving to be approved of or highly esteemed
The desire to be approved of, or to be popular, is another deeply ingrained craving in all of us. It will inevitably affect, or even control, our actions unless we make a determined effort to control and resist it. However, few people do that. Most …
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