We have spoken of the vital importance of having the love of the truth. But what if you don’t yet have it, or if you only have it to a limited extent? The answer is that it can be developed or grown. That’s because the …
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We have spoken of the vital importance of having the love of the truth. But what if you don’t yet have it, or if you only have it to a limited extent? The answer is that it can be developed or grown. That’s because the …
Read MoreWhen we read the Bible, and especially if we teach it to others, we are under a solemn duty to be careful and truthful in the way we interpret its meaning. That means that we need to read every verse in its full and proper …
Read MoreAs we have seen, the essence of the problem of scruples is that you have a highly developed sense of the importance of honesty in all things at all times, but you don’t yet have the wisdom and discernment to know how to handle every …
Read MoreThe more you love the truth, the more of a problem this issue of scruples can become. The essence of the problem is that you have a heart which is currently more honest than your head is wise. That has been my problem on many …
Read MoreIs it ever possible to be too honest? Sometimes it is, in a certain sense. Problems can arise for honest people which are the result of inexperience, lack of wisdom and the inability to handle delicate, finely balanced situations. We can find that both honesty …
Read MoreEver since God established the separate nations of the earth, at the time of the Tower of Babel, nations have gone to war with each other. Sometimes they have been justified in doing so, at least the non-aggressor, which is defending itself. In warfare soldiers …
Read MoreLet’s look now at a similar situation where another person chose to handle it very differently from Rahab. Yet, God still honoured her for it, and came to her aid. It involves Betsy Ten Boom, the sister of Corrie Ten Boom, of the famous Dutch …
Read MoreRahab (the harlot) lived in Jericho at the time when the Israelites were leaving the wilderness and entering into the land of Canaan to take possession of it. Their leader, Joshua, sent two spies ahead to the city of Jericho, to do reconnaissance and bring …
Read MoreThere was a King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel called Ahab who was exceptionally wicked. He also had a remarkably wicked wife called Jezebel. Between them they dragged Israel down to their level and led the people into sin and idolatry on a huge …
Read More1Truly God is good to the upright, to those who are pure in heart. Psalm 73:1 (RSV) The sum of thy word is truth;and every one of thy righteous ordinances endures forever. Psalm 119:160 (RSV) 2Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputes no …
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