In addition to having to suffer physical pain on the cross, Jesus also had to suffer something far worse. All the sin of the world was, for a time, heaped on to Him. While that was happening, God the Father and The Holy Spirit withdrew …
Read MoreKing David’s ‘Messianic psalms’ which give further details (1000 years beforehand) about what Jesus would experience on the cross
Just as we have seen with the long prophecy by Isaiah, much of the information we have about what Jesus had to suffer on the cross is actually set out in the Old Testament rather than the New Testament. For example, consider Psalm 22. This …
Read MoreThe Prophet Isaiah’s amazing prophecy which sets out many of the details of Jesus’ crucifixion
One of the most extraordinary things in the Bible is the fact that what Jesus did on the cross was prophesied in fine detail by Isaiah eight centuries before it happened. We have just seen two such prophecies above. Isaiah carries on and gives a …
Read MoreThe extent of the suffering Jesus endured for us
Consider now this lengthy passage from Mark’s gospel, together with some short extracts from the other gospels. These show the sequence of events from Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate which led to Him being sentenced to death and then to the execution being carried out. …
Read MoreThe events leading up to the crucifixion
Jesus was very afraid and full of dread on the night before His arrest and trial, as He faced what lay ahead of Him the next day. But He bravely carried on with it. Reflect on the passage below and try to imagine the intensity …
Read MoreThe bravery Jesus showed in going to the cross
In enduring what He went through, Jesus was extraordinarily heroic. He is the bravest man who ever lived. We tend to overlook the outstanding courage and endurance that He showed. It was at a level far higher than that shown even by those who win medals like the …
Read MoreA brief overview of the crucifixion – what it was and how it worked in simple terms
Jesus was nailed onto a wooden cross with long nails through His wrists and heel bones. This was done after He had been flogged with a whip and had a ‘crown’ of long sharp thorns pressed into His head. This was done to cause pain, …
Read MoreJesus was ‘qualified’ to be our Saviour because He is God and because He was sinless
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived on the earth as a man for about 33-34 years. He was probably born in the year 4 BC – our calendar is slightly out of line. During His life He never committed any sin whatsoever. He was …
Read MoreHow Jesus’ death on the cross made it possible for our sins to be forgiven and for us to be made righteous in God’s eyes
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 (NKJV) 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form …
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